April 07, 2013

Summer Floral Journal

This journal is for the Summer Home Decor Challenge in the Moxie Fab World. Make some time to play along won’t you? I’m planning on making it part of a desk set for a partner I’m swapping with so she can keep it out as part of her summer decor.

summer floral journal

I started with a nice but too plain journal from Michaels. The cover had a purple binding, lilacs and yellow stripes with the scallops and cut outs and that’s it. I added the music paper, lace, ribbons, flowers, pearls, doily, stick pins with beads and buttons. This also makes a great hostess gift; I took one with me last night when I was invited out since I made two!

Enjoy, Rebecca

vintage music paper-stash, white CS-PTI
Accessories: corsage pins-Michaels, gingham ribbon-SU!, green ribbon-Masterstroke, rose-Prima, lace-May Arts, purple bead-Swarovski, doily die, scalloped edge die-MFT, pearls-Dollarama, twine-PTI, if not noted, from my stash


Cindy C. said...

So beautiful!!

Karen said...

Very elegant and pretty!

Marlena M. said...

This is SO PRETTY!

canadian_liner said...

This is lovely, Rebecca. I like how your doily echoes the cut-outs on the album, and the floral bouquet is VERY summery. Can't wait for the warmer weather.

My Paper Epiphany said...

Beautiful mixture of elements and patterns