October 18, 2014

8th Do Over Challenge and Znet Shows Jewelry


Welcome to anyone new to my blog! I’ve joined a blog hop today and the theme is a do over challenge. Jeannie, a jewelry designer, has offered some of her old pieces for us to redesign. All we had to do was pay shipping, promise to use at least 50% of the beads in the piece and blog about it today! I was provided with this necklace and earrings.

8 doover original

For my first piece, Heathered Elegance below, I used the large amethyst nuggets and the tiny green nugget beads, maybe peridot? but it is much darker than any peridot I’ve seen and also includes some dark flecks. I added the filigree with wire guardians so the wire wouldn’t lose it’s coating or even fray. I gently shaped it with bracelet bending pliers to give it a nice curve.

znet 8 doover heathered elegance

I used the original clasp though I reshaped it to make it shorter (my bracelet was getting too long), the original beading wire and some gold Czech druk beads along with Znetshows Chinese crystals, rondelles in two sizes and colours, Champagne and a lovely deep purple.

znet 8 doover heathered elegance2

I also made earrings to match. You can see the gorgeous purple rondelles better here. I love the sparkle!

8 doover heathered elegance earrings

Next I made a necklace using the coral coloured nuggets from the necklace. They may be real (dyed) coral, I’m not sure. I added some stick pearls and tiny teal beads (some gemstone but I forget what they are). The pendant is a Cultured sea glass piece also from Znetshows. I love this pale Coke bottle colour. It goes with so many things. I made the bail with 20 gauge silver wire.

znet 8doover ocean coral

Last but not least, I made a bracelet with the bronze pearls, antique bronze charm and grey/green gemstones. I call it Bronze Age. The gemstones are pretty interesting, at first they seem quite ordinary but in the light, they have lovely iridescent flecks like tiny opal chips deep inside. I only added the smoky quartz flat briolettes and clasp. It’s way too big for me but I thought shortening it would mess up the rhythm of the piece so I guess I’ll give it to or sell it to someone else.

8 doover bronze age bracelet

I hope you enjoyed my pieces! Here’s the list of the other designers in the hop in case you’d like to see more.

Jeannie K Dukic

Penny Houghton

Donetta Farrington

Louise Glazier

Molly Alexander

Veralynne Malone

Becky Pancake

Shai Williams

Renetha Stanziano

Rebecca Ednie

Beti Horvath

Enjoy, Rebecca


  1. You've made some really wonderful pieces and done a great job improving upon the old piece. I particularly love the coral and pearl necklace. Really striking.

  2. WOW! Looking at what I sent you and what you re-designed I would never believe it came from that. Seriously, unbelievable. You did a fantastic job. Yes, they are peridot. LOL
    Thank you so much for participating and I hope you join me for the next one.

  3. What beautiful pieces you made with your do-over pieces. I really like the purple/green color combo in the first bracelet/earrings set, and the last bracelet is beautifully rustic-but-elegant at the same time. My favorite is the necklace you made with the coral, pearls, teal beads and beautiful sea glass focal. Lovely work!

    1. I'm glad so many people like the coral red and real together. I make mainly monochromatic pieces so it was a stretch for me. Glad I took the plunge.

  4. Hi Rebecca, Your Heathered Elegance is my favorite of the three pieces.The purple and green go very well together. The stick pearls and sea glass were a great choice to accent the coral in your necklace.

  5. Oh, Rebecca...what you made is fabulous! Each piece has a feminine vibe, even with some chunky beads. I can see myself wearing each and every one!

  6. Great designs! I really like the second necklace. It has such ethnic feel to it.

  7. Hello Rebecca, I like all your pieces for the do-over, especially the recycled glass necklace with the coral and stick pearls. Thanks for visiting my blog, and your kind comments! My blog name changed last week, so here is the correct link:

  8. You really did a fantastic job with the bounty you were given. Love the piece with the cultured sea glass. Very pretty!

  9. I love the last design with the rock crystals. It just screams wear me...to me anyway.

  10. Love the The purple and green Love the Chunky, you did marvelous on all your pieces.


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