March 01, 2013

My New Resolution

I’ve read a lot about blog branding and promoting yourself as a blogger. I am not exactly that girl. I want to be that girl. The stamping rock star. The one Paper Crafts Magazine asks to be part of their next special issue sending stamp sets her way and requesting special projects. The one who posts blog candy every 100,000 hits to her blog and gets mobbed at every CHA. But alas, I am just a mom with 3 kids. One with sweet 12 yo with ADD, one spunky 6 yo with autism and one very cute 14 mo baby whose neurons I pray fire normally.

I am a woman with several serious illnesses who struggles through every day with cooking and cleaning and who uses crafting to keep herself sane and even somewhat happy! Not that my family doesn’t keep me happy but they also at times make me want to make me tear my hair out and crafting settles me down, relaxes and rejuvenates me and even mentally invigorates me so I want to, even need to, go back to them.

In the process of crafting, I also think I make some really nice stuff that is worth publishing so that others can look at it whether it be eye candy or inspiration for your own projects. But I’ve come to think that maybe that’s not enough; just publishing pretty projects. Do I want to try out for more design teams in hopes of maybe on day landing on one that actually makes money; (lots of work for a pretty rare opportunity)? Am I good enough (maybe not)? Have a style that sells? Or should I focus on trying to sell my cards in an upscale market? I’ve been considering these questions a lot lately but those are personal to me.

As far as my blog goes… Maybe I need to offer more to you, the reader. So I am going to try to offer more tutorials, tips, techniques, gift ideas, product reviews and videos. Sound good? I’d LOVE to hear some comments so I know what you’d like to see more of. Keep in mind I’ll do my best. I won’t be able to commit to a Make it Monday or Fab Friday or anything like that. But when I produce content, it will be top-notch. There, I’ve spilled all of my thoughts and feelings out to you all. Let me know what you think and I’ll use those comments to tailor my content. If I don’t get any, I’ll just keep on trucking as is.

In friendship



  1. Wow, you do have a lot on your plate. I always look forwardbto your posts, so for me, you don't have to change anything. Have a blessed day!

  2. I love reading your posts too. And I think you are amazing and second Karen - there is no need to change anything for anyone else but yourself. If this is what you really want right now.. then try it! If not, just enjoy life and be you! :) YOU are great.


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