March 28, 2010

WAHOOO! DT for Clear Dollar Stamps!

I recently got a 3 month DT position with Clear Dollar Stamps as a Sneak Peak Artist. It was officially announced on their blog, Clearly iStamp, yesterday! If you remember, I was their June Guest Designer last year and I have been hoping and waiting to be asked back ever since and it FINALLY happened! I am so excited!

Thanks to Lori, owner of CDS and Laurie, DT coordinator of CDS for choosing me! I will be previewing 4 sets come the end of the month so stay tuned! I am so looking forward to it! Now I just impatiently await the arrival of my preview stamps. YEAH!!!!!


  1. Yay! Congrats, Rebecca! Can't wait to see what you create ;D

  2. Yay Rebecca! Welcome to the team and am looking forward to seeing all your glorious work.

  3. Welcome and Congrats Rebecca. Looking forward to working with you and seeing your creations.

  4. Woo-hoo! What fun news! Congrats! The CDS design team are some of my favorite people!

  5. Congrats on making the summer DT Team at CDS!!

  6. Congratulations, that's terrific. It must feel great to be so proficient at something you love that others actually ask you to teach.
    (Jaemac from swapbot)

  7. Congrats!

    j3ss1ca (SB)

  8. oh WOW congratz. Can't wait to check out the things you create!


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