March 05, 2009

Sorry for No New Posts

I usually really try hard to not let more than one day pass without a post and to post at least 5 times a week if not everyday. I'd like to thank all of you who subscribe for not unsubbing during my illness.

I am doing some DT work and have been asked not to say anything until the announcement is official. Please bear with me. I am thrilled with the card I designed last night and can't wait to show it to you! Hopefully, I can show you at least one of the cards in the next couple of days as I submitted my work tonight. In the meantime, I now have to prepare for a class on Saturday so as I make samples, I'll be sure to post them!

Thanks for hanging in there with me and thanks for the lovely comments; they mean so much to me!


1 comment:

  1. that's okay - how exciting - dt work!! can't wait to see it when you can finally share it!!


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