January 03, 2009

In My Heart

Lately, I have been reminded of a beautiful poem my mom wrote years ago. As an RN, I was taking care of a 6 week old baby who had come home with her parents to die. She was born premature and though doing well, suddenly contracted a serious infection that destroyed her brain. While it was a sad time for the parents, it also gave them time to say goodbye without medical personnel hanging around. They gave her a bath for the first time, cuddled her in bed and treated her like any other baby first home from the hospital; I tried to stay out of the way as much as possible but when it got too much and they were exhausted, I took over. She was a plucky little thing; she was rushed home in an ambulance because they thought she might not make it all the way home, a one hour trip. She managed to make it for 6 days. Though sad, the poem is so lovely, I decided to share it with you. Feel free to pass it on; it might be nice to include it inside a card in case something this terrible happens to someone you know. Just include her name and my blog link please.

In my heart

It was a cold and dark day
that you passed away
Though now laid to your rest
you are close at my breast
And e’en deeper still
in my heart

While still so precious and new
to learn your days would be few
Unbelievable sorrow
and then on the morrow
Days with you to cherish, and so much love
in my heart

Much too short your time here
in my arms, but so dear
Oh, my heart how it ached
‘til I thought it would break
All at once joy and sadness
in my heart

Yes, always a place
for your sweet baby face
Though time dries my tears
memories soften o’er the years
You’ll ne’er fade away, but always will stay
in my heart

by Lillian Menzies
in memory of Alannah
Feb 10, 1999

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:32 am

    These words are quite moving. Beautiful yet so sad.

    I cannot imagine going through such an ordeal.


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