December 25, 2008

A Giveaway

Hello. I'm afraid I don't celebrate Christmas so no holiday message. However, I do hope all of you finish out the year happy and safe.

Not to be a bad sport, but personally, I hate winter weather and am looking forward to summer and flowers like this peony from my garden!

yellow peony

If you are interested in entering to win a set of Frosted Card Blanks from Short Cuts, click HERE. The contest is open until December 27th 12mn CST.



  1. I'm happy with the 4 seasons of New England - but I do get tired of winter after long periods of cold and/or snow! but then it changes! Your peony is beautiful! I have some white and pink ones - the yellow on this is lovely!

  2. winter is my least favorite too so i'm looking forward to spring as well. this is a gorgeous flower and a nice reminder that winter will end and spring will blossom! Looking forward to working with you on the Twinkle Team!


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